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Airfield Scottish borders Charterhall airfield Airfield Scotland

Charterhall - Airfield

Operated by Charterhall Estate, Estate Office, Charterhall, Duns, Berwickshire, TD11 3RE

Light aircraft accepted with prior permission and at pilot's own risk.

Rwy Dim(m) Surface TORA(m) LDA(m) Lighting
07/25 600 x 12 Asphalt Unlicensed Unlicensed Nil
New asphalt 600m x 12m but full 1346x40m could be used in emergency

Op hrs: PPR. SR - SS.
Landing fee: £20.00
Customs: Nil
Hangarage: Nil
Maintenance: Nil
Fuel: Nil
Remarks: Operated by Charterhall Estate, Charterhall, Duns, Berwickshire.
Light aircraft accepted on prior permission and at pilot’s own risk.
Circuits at 1000’ aal; RH on 07, LH on 25
Microlight activity on airfield.

Warnings: Airfield occasionally in use for access by animals e.g. horses, estate & farm vehicles etc. - always check runway is clear before landing.

The most recently resurfaced area is in the centre 12 meters of the runway at the south-westerly end of the airfield indicted by black shading.

Taxi: Bob’s Cabs 07881 613849 | Robertson E & A J 01361 882340 | Woody’s Taxis 01289 547009.

  • Airfield map
  • Newly resurface airstrip
  • Light aircraft accepted on prior permission and at pilot’s own risk
  • Aerial view of airfield
  • Light aircraft taking off from Charterhall
  • Light aircraft taking off from Charterhall
  • Light aircraft taking off from Charterhall

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