High Quality Open Plan Office Space to Let with Free Parking in South Edinburgh

High Quality Open Plan Office Space, 1,795 sq ft (167 sq m), up to 18 Staff Members... more

Mortonhall Mortonhall Mortonhall
Mortonhall Mortonhall


Office Space Edinburgh Office Space Edinburgh Office Space Edinburgh
Office Space Edinburgh Office Space Edinburgh

Office Space Edinburgh

Office space - Edinburgh

Rural offices but so close to Edinburgh! The city centre is only 10 minutes away with easy access to the bypass and beyond. Why would you base your business anywhere else?

Mortonhall Residential Mortonhall Residential Mortonhall Residential
Mortonhall Residential Mortonhall Residential

Mortonhall Residential


Why choose between town and city living when you can have the best of both? Mortonhall in Edinburgh and Charterhall in the Scottish Borders offer the best in rural cottages and farmhouses.

Livery near Edinburgh Livery near Edinburgh Livery near Edinburgh
Livery near Edinburgh Livery near Edinburgh

Livery near Edinburgh

Livery near Edinburgh

We offer excellent livery facilities on the outskirts of Edinburgh. With miles of hacking and an outdoor arena with a view of Arthur's seat and the Salisbury Craigs.

Welcome to Mortonhall & Charterhall's website

The site aims to provide neighbours, visitors and potential tenants with news as well as a helpful introduction to the experiences and facilities the estate offers.

Mortonhall & Charterhall are intrinsically involved in their respective local communities providing homes; work places and leisure space to many.

The estate offers a wide range of commercial and residential properties to let on the Southside of Edinburgh and in Berwickshire in the Scottish Borders.

As a crow flies Edinburgh City Centre is only 4 miles from Mortonhall and the public transport links with the rest of the City and the airport are excellent. The Mortonhall area is well served with the Number 11 & 52 Lothian Bus routes amongst others.

Mortonhall & Charterhall are privately owned and commercially managed having been stewarded together by the same family for over 350 years.

Please do visit us on the ground as well as online. The pages on this website are not exhaustive but do illustrate what is on offer. Also please take the time to enjoy the links to our associate and supporter organisations and advertisers.

Due to the numeber of emails and limited resources, unfortunately we can't always respond to every email but if you think we can help you please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]

With thanks and best wishes,

Henry Trotter of Mortonhall

Representer of the families of Catchilraw, Charterhall & Mortonhall,
Chief of the Name and Arms of Trotter

A member of Scottish Land & Estates - Landowners working for the countryside

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