High Quality Open Plan Office Space to Let with Free Parking in South Edinburgh

High Quality Open Plan Office Space, 1,795 sq ft (167 sq m), up to 18 Staff Members... more

Agriculture Charterhall Agriculture Scottish borders Charterhall estate

Current Land Availability

Charterhall - Agriculture

The majority of Charterhall’s arable agricultural is farmed in-hand with the day-to-day contracting services provided by two neighbouring family-owned contracting & farm-owning businesses. Both contractors employ team members locally and are family businesses in the truest sense with at least two generations actively involved in both businesses.

Land at Charterhall can be made available to specialist growers of crops like peas and potatoes.

Livestock is not as prevalent as it was yesteryear but Charterhall has its own flock of unruly black Welsh Mountain Sheep.

Grazing is available to let and is normally available over the summer months. Interested parties with good experience or recognised references are welcomed to enquire at the estate office.

The Charterhall farms were each historically farmed by a single individual tenant family but with the reduction of the estate’s size and increased economies of scale necessitated by modern farming only two traditional tenancies remain in place.

An important component of the farms’ cropping policy is the use of tussocky grass headlands and field margins to generate insect life, brood rearing strips and create wildlife corridors.

For further information on our environmental credentials see our environment page.

Land available for rent in the Scottish borders

There is no agricultural land available currently.

A member of Scottish Land & Estates - Landowners working for the countryside

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