High Quality Open Plan Office Space to Let with Free Parking in South Edinburgh

High Quality Open Plan Office Space, 1,795 sq ft (167 sq m), up to 18 Staff Members... more

Livery off road hacking Edinburgh Livery Edinburgh Livery all weather arena Edinburgh

Current Livery Availability

DIY Livery Yards near Edinburgh

Meadowhead Farm
95 Liberton Drive
Edinburgh, EH16 6TH

Morton Mains Farm
Winton Loan
Edinburgh, EH10 7AW

Both Meadowhead & Morton Mains Farms' DIY livery yards are linked by the estate's riding routes that connect with the Braid Hills and Tower Farm Riding School (see map on Explore Mortonhall section).

The yard locations offer a mix of stabling with grazing.

Stabling is on woodchips not straw.

Meadowhead Farm has two riding arenas: 20 x 60m in sand and 45m x 75m jumping arena in rubber and sand. Morton Mains has a 20m x 60m wood chip arena.

Morton Mains is conveniently on the Number 11 & 52 bus routes.

  • Livery Edinburgh looking to the Pentland Hills
  • Livery Edinburgh outdoor arena
  • Livery near Edinburgh
  • Happy customers!
  • DIY livery Edinburgh
  • Well maintained paddocks for year round turnout
  • Good, sign-posted paths for riding
  • Outdoor arena
  • Beautiful countryside on Edinburgh's doorstep

Livery Vacancies

Livery availability at Mortonhall


We have two livery yards to choose from on our Mortonhall estate. Livery at Mortonhall offers the perfect place to keep your horse near Edinburgh with easy access to public transport. The liveries have access to all weather arenas as well as excellent hacking throughout the estate. If you are interested in keeping your horse at Mortonhall please contact us for availability and more information.

For more information email [email protected]

A member of Scottish Land & Estates - Landowners working for the countryside

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