News —August 2014
100th Anniversary of the First World War

Formal declaration of war by the United Kingdom - 100th Anniversary 100 years ago there were 4 brothers (front-to-back): Major Algernon Trotter of Mortonhall & Charterhall, D.S.O., M.V.O., was serving in the British army, soon he would be severely injured in the Retreat from Mons. His 3 brothers 'G', Ted and Reggie all served in France but by 8 Aug 1916 there were only 2 brothers. Along with 900,000 British subjects, including well over 100,000 Scots compatriots, Lt. Col. E.H. Trotter, D.S.O.; Grenadier Guards & Captain R.B. Trotter; Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, lost their lives in sacrifice and service
Mini Charterhall on Saturday 23rd August 2014
Mini Charterhall on Saturday 23rd August 2014 at Charterhall, Duns TD11 3RE. Pick-A-Fence Cross Country Show Jumping Clear Round FOR ALL AGES. ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE FROM!events/cuy0